Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Students reflecting

Well, it's been a long time since I have written anything. The beginning of the school year really takes a toll sometimes. Especially when my teaching assignment has changed some and my girls are starting kindergarten. Anyway, I have something really extraordinary to share with you. As aforementioned my teaching assignment has changed, I think, for the better. I now have a really small math class that is a mix of 7th and 8th graders. This new class has presented itself with a really neat perspective on teaching for me. I started the 7th grade curriculum in a much different fashion. I am using something called an "Interactive Math Journal" (

It is strictly notebook fashion with the students having the opportunity to give me one proof of their understanding and to write a reflection. I have seen some amazing stuff! One student in particular has done some really detailed and well thought out drawings. In one example she has ever so delicately drawn a dot. I know, I know, you are probably thinking how creative and intricate can you get with a dot and a statement about the size using scientific notation. A gut feeling came over that helped me realize how much we are missing in education when we are driven to make us look good or schools look good by test scores. Shouldn't we provide an avenue so the students themselves look good. And feel good about their "own" education.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I have been caught up with these amazing math journals.

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